> > " Selection does not contain a main type" > > Could you share complete error message (and maybe a screenshot)? Please also explain in detail how you try...
> Have you modified sources in any way? [XMPPServer]( class definitely have `main()` method. If your sources have it and Eclipse can't see it then please bring the issue up...
> In that case please consult with the Eclipse IDE/support channels to figure out why your IDE is not picking up `main()` method and thus is unable to run the...
> In that case please consult with the Eclipse IDE/support channels to figure out why your IDE is not picking up `main()` method and thus is unable to run the...
> Go to `XMPPServer`, scroll to line 141: > > > > And click on "Play" symbol to run the server: > > ![Captura de pantalla 2021-04-20 a las...
> Honestly - I don't know. I would ask IDEA support team as it seems that there is a problem there. It works for me just fine. (JDK11, minimum required...
> Could you share complete stanza exchange? > > From what I gather it seems that you try to connect to the Tigase without using StartTLS (`starttls (active: false) {}`...
I try it,but also erro in tigase 8.1.0,which it is ok in tigase 8.0.0 this is config.tdsl 8.0.0 ``` debug = [ 'server' ] 'default-virtual-host' = '' dataSource () {...
> You should configure `'vhost-tls-required' = false` in the root context (i.e. not within any other configuration, see below) and disable it also in VHosts configuration (both your main VHost...