Wyatt Roersma
Wyatt Roersma
--- PARSING VBA CODE: INFO parsed Sub Img_Painted ([hHZIubL as Long, AoLnF as IInkRectangle]): 3 statement(s) Module 'ThisDocument' Sub Img_Painted ([hHZIubL as Long, AoLnF as IInkRectangle]): 3 statement(s) **\* PARSING...
If we convert the format to git submodules we won't have to update the repo every time someone updates their plugins
How hard would it be to make it so if user 1 logged in they could only view data from sensor 1 and if user 2 logs in they can...
- Fix file upload bug - move to uwsgi on public repo - clean up html template pages - enable auto_ack on message queue - Fix duplicate message queue bug...
A nice possible feature would be to encrypt data before it gets stored in the DB. This would allow the easy enable of encryption via a .yml config option. It...
It would be good to get the error messages over into a clean MDL format.
This would be very helpful for anyone looking to help with the project so they know how I setup my env and how they can replicate the same things to...
We only currently have a password reset option we should also allow users to change their password of course.
A good example would be something like the atom CONTRIBUTING.md https://github.com/atom/atom/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md