wren romano
wren romano
The previous (now commented out) implementation of `substs` is buggy. The current implementation calls `subst` repeatedly to perform the multiple substitution; this is correct, but extremely inefficient.
I would like `ProhibitAbbreviationOption` to have an `ignored_patterns` field like `ProhibitUnusedVariable` has (see #266). Or something sufficiently similar (since using regexes really doesn't seem necessary here). More specifically, I'd like...
Some (newer?) vernacular commands aren't being highlighted; e.g., `Context`, `Implicit Type`, `Hint Resolve`,...
When using the internal functions `arc`, `arc_`, `arcNN`, or `prepend` to rebuild the spine after deleting values, under certain circumstances we can end up chaining those together and thus encounter...
All the functions which reconstruct keys (`traverseWithKey`, `mapBy`, `contextualMapBy`, `foldrWithKey`, `toList`, `keys`, etc) suffer from a quadratic slowdown due to how we reconstruct the keys. I can make some changes...
Like `intersectBy`, we can add a primitive `differenceBy` which is much more efficient than the circuitous route of using `disunion` twice.
The current implementation for `Binary.get` allows constructing tries that violate our invariants!
The `disjoin` function of https://github.com/ffwng/bytestring-trie/commit/735b605fdcc3665025f1f63c1389cd3127b76cae seems generally useful, and would also fit in with resolving issue #7 and PR #10. Unrelated to those issues/PRs, the `cut` function could also be...
bytestring- (September 2020) removed the offset parameter to the `ByteString` data constructor: https://github.com/haskell/bytestring/pull/175 . They provide a `PS` pattern-synonym for backward compatibility (https://github.com/haskell/bytestring/blob/master/Changelog.md) and while CI indicates that's sufficient for...
There are currently a few forks to consider merging in: * https://github.com/ajrouvoet/unification.hs (2 ahead) * https://github.com/lortabac/unification-fd (7 ahead) * https://github.com/UnkindPartition/unification-fd (2 ahead); but cf the PR first