Qiwen Wang

Results 20 comments of Qiwen Wang

> Python file,as following: ```python = ( 啥|是什么|怎么算|怎么计算|什么是|是多少|什么|?|?); = ( 定义|方法|规则|要求|咨询); = ( 怎么办|咋办|咋|咋样|咋整|不了|怎样|怎么样|怎么弄|怎么用|什么办法|办法|如何|如何处理|怎么处理 ); = ( 为什么|为什|为何|原因|什么原因|什么意思|怎么回事|怎麽回事|怎么不|怎么还|怎么没|怎么是|怎么这么|啊|还是|干嘛|凭啥|凭什么|咋没有|还没|解释|啥意思 ); = ( 哪一个|哪个); = ( 哪|地点|哪里|在哪儿|哪儿|在那里|那里); = ( 哪些|几个|几次|多少 ); =...

Script posted (modifed from the sample) : ```python from flask import Flask, jsonify, request from flasgger import Swagger app = Flask(__name__) swagger = Swagger(app) @app.route('/colors//', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def colors(palette): """Example...

更新secret后不管用, -

> gitalk也有这种问题

> 在其他issue看过这个,可以用这里的js,oauth用的github的:https://yajunw.com/2019/09/08/hexo/ > > ``` > > > ``` 亲测有效,直接替换掉原来的js文件,css文件不用动,多谢! It works, I replace the js file directly, without changing the css file, thanks very much !

>enc *= self.hp.d_model**0.5 means scale dot product: ![](https://www.zhihu.com/equation?tex=enc=enc*\sqrt{self.hp.dmodel})

num_units ** 0.5 means ![](https://www.zhihu.com/equation?tex=\sqrt{numunits})

按照以上步骤执行,还是报错 - ld: cannot link directly with dylib/framework, **your binary is not an allowed client** of /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib for architecture x86_64 ```shell [ 98%] Linking CXX shared library ../../_lib/libworkflow.dylib ld: cannot...

> mac编译通过,谢谢!

> 我重新更新了clientSecret之后再输入一次就成功了 更新后依然失败 参考[文章](https://github.com/settings/applications/1158954), _config.yml里的配置 - comment_gitalk_clientId: **** - comment_gitalk_clientSecret: ***** - comment_gitalk_repo: wqw547243068.github.io