@maf-soft I continued the work of denysvitali and finished support for size up to v40. ( check my master branch , if you want to try others work in progress...

@maf-soft I agree, I have the same issue. With this size, Data Analysis is not supported ( "interleaving not supported" ) . The first battle was getting the QR to...
Great News, I should follow your path , draw it and be done in 2 hours, instead of going further into the rabbit hole :D
You are correct that currently ZXing ( the library behind the loading) only output what it sure , maybe it need to output "?"/-1 for the unsure module so that...
This PR is linked to #2 .
Imam, I renamed because in branch step-by-step , it is reused to show all change after "patching" . in that branch, there is a dedicated button for comparing (against an...
@Darkar25 well version is already colored red (if QR size is version 7 or higher ) and not editable and it is filled for you based on selected new size...
> Hi Darkar25, it is directly taken from Waidotto ( https://github.com/waidotto/strong-qr-decoder ) Readme.md 使い方 QRコードをテキストデータで流し込みます。 'X', 'x', 'O', 'o', '#', '1'は暗モジュールとして扱われます。 '_', '-', ' ', '0'は明モジュールとして扱われます。 '?'は明暗が不明であるモジュールとして扱われます(マスク解除後に明モジュール扱いになります) Which translate to...
@Darkar25 It is from the Japanese Culture for the O and X Notation : O mean yes / true / Correct , X mean no / false / error .