Wang Pengfei
Wang Pengfei
Hi, would you please release the code for training the StereoDNN?
I funtuned the pretrained_sceneflow.tar on Kitti 2012 dataset, and tried to submit the test results on kitti 2012 benchmark. It shows as follows: **Thank you for participating in our evaluation!...
Hi, may I ask the planned date of releasing dataset? Thanks
你好,非常喜欢您的paper,我有一个疑问, Triple Sphere Camera Model 相机模型是只在实际的平台上使用吗,还是在公开的数据集也使用?另外,关于3.2. Multi-Fisheye Camera Epipolar Rectify,请问您是否有计划release code。感谢!
I would like to ask whether there is any code to project the pcd file in world frame to the cameras? Thanks for your time