Couldn't we make the byRow param accept an element like this: `byRow: '.row-a'` So it looks for the parent row with the classname 'row-a'? Or maybe better to target it...
@JordanSayner - Did you ever figure out a fix for this?
I haven't tried, but I thought if you changed the upload location (upload_path option) within WordPress then the aqua script will save in that location because it uses the native...
Set the height to '9999' that way it will resize the width but not crop the height. You could also set the $crop variable as an array to define the...
I'm actually trying to figure this out at the moment as well
I'm interested to learn of this issue can be resolved. Thanks!
@maximski - price point makes sense to me, but I currently don't have an active site with the issue. I just remember it being a problem in the past and...
@miqronaut - awesome dude, thanks for the heads up!
@guilima I actually use a whole new function in my themes now I created from scratch that actually uses attachment ID's to process the image instead of a url which...