Wouter Vanden Hove

Results 28 issues of Wouter Vanden Hove

my use-case, I have a "tools"-buildout that installs zest.releaser, fabric, and check-manifest,... this buildout is bootstrapped from a clean python that deliberatetly has no setuptools installed, (so it can never...


django-dotenv is a python-library, and used in python-code. Currently .env-files can only contain: - key/value-pairs - blank lines - comments But sometimes, env-vars are also used by executables outside your...

Using Flask-AppBuilder 1.10.0 / Python3.5: When you create a fab_addon, the templates-directory does not get registered in the flask-app. Suppose you have an addon like this; fab_addon_upload/ views.py forms.py templates/succes.html...


a package should specify minimum-dependencies it should not do exact pinning in setup.py. If I install this package in my virtual-env, it will upgrade certain packages that will break my...

Sometimes you want to rather share results in your notebook. In some cases it can take a lot of time to execute the code. Therefore it would be handy to...

Any plans to support non-setuptools-based projects. Poetry-projects use pyproject.toml instead of setup.py.

using following config at https://github.com/libranet/libranet-flask/blob/main/.github/workflows/dependabot-auto-merge.yaml ``` # see https://github.com/ahmadnassri/action-dependabot-auto-merge name: Auto Merge Dependabot on: pull_request: jobs: auto-merge: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: ahmadnassri/action-dependabot-auto-merge@v2 with: target: minor github-token:...

using following config at https://github.com/libranet/libranet-flask/blob/main/.github/workflows/dependabot-auto-merge.yaml ``` # see https://github.com/ahmadnassri/action-dependabot-auto-merge name: Auto Merge Dependabot on: pull_request: jobs: auto-merge: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: ahmadnassri/action-dependabot-auto-merge@v2 with: target: minor github-token:...

from https://github.com/ActiveState/appdirs `Note: This project has been officially deprecated. You may want to check out https://pypi.org/project/platformdirs/ which is a more active fork of appdirs. Thanks to everyone who has used...

on Alma Linux 9.2, using uv 0.1.3 python3.x all installed via pyenv ``` > venv foo -p 3.8 --seed Using Python 3.8.18 interpreter at /opt/tools/pyenv/var/repo/versions/3.8.18/bin/python3.8 Creating virtualenv at: foo +...
