How do you install pecker? CocoPods?
I will improve log, maybe find index failed
@hodovani can you open the follow path? ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/{your project}/Index/DataStore
Have you ever execute `defaults write IDEIndexDisable 1`?
@junaid4058 @hodovani Add make sure you are using the right method If you Install through CocoaPods, add the following script ``` ${PODS_ROOT}/Pecker/bin/pecker ``` Other way install, add the following script...
If you want run in terminal, pls do as follow pecker -i , and you need set report as `json` and set `output_file` in `pecker.result.json`, it's complex. Suggest integrate Pecker...
@hodovani Could you show me a screenshot of the script you added to your project?
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@rastersize Good job
@hodovani I had added Terminal usage to README, and I test successed, you can try again, the version is 0.0.12