
Results 30 issues of worthy7

I want these notifications to sit inside their own div instead of being fixed on the page. How can I do this?

Technically a separate problem, so opening a separate issue. https://github.com/johannesjo/angular2-promise-buttons/issues/54#issuecomment-773210332 If this isn't a supported case for promise buttons then please close

help wanted

## :ghost: Brief Description When `[disabled]="...` logic on is a button, `disableBtn: true` option does not disable the button ## :tophat: workflow configuration Angular2PromiseButtonModule.forRoot({ spinnerTpl: '', disableBtn: true }), ```...

help wanted

Can you publish a latest version on NPM so people don't have to bother looking it up, cheers.

I think this would be a very beneficial chart to have. The other data is affected by other things; - The number of cases is affect by number of tests....

When firing an event through the EventBus, it is done in memory, which can have the side affect of being slow if some calls are made to external services. To...


https://stackoverflow.com/a/40373949/1079267 I think we should try to work with the standards and identify why ABP (angular) is causing Options requests to be sent from clients.


Hi there, I was tryting to just run all cells on the tensorflow chapter 2 book, and it hits this error right at the start. ``` AttributeError Traceback (most recent...

### The use case you're trying to solve I have 2 firebase projects, live and test. I just want PR's to deploy to the test server (or perhaps monitor a...
