
Results 24 issues of wootguy

The water origin shouldn't be moved when merging maps. This makes the water invisible. Workaround: move the water model's origin to 0,0,0.


Merging gets stuck on these two maps. The order of the maps matters. [BSPGuy.zip](https://github.com/wootguy/bspguy/files/7986011/BSPGuy.zip)


Happens on Windows 7, and sometimes on Windows 10. Delete the entity named "chapter_tittle" in this map: [rp_c00_m1.zip](https://github.com/wootguy/bspguy/files/7670115/rp_c00_m1.zip)


If a trigger_once shares a model with a func_door_rotating, HULL 0 will be removed from that model. That's fine for the trigger but will break the door.


Lights in the merged maps tunnels (the ones with the dark banding in it10.bsp) were off when the map started, despite not having the "initially dark" flag set. They also...


> Also, request for bspguy: can you add a feature that re-adds brush models that are "orphaned"? Say for instance, I delete a trigger_once with model *54 and hit save....


from Hlomidia: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12087544/105613415-2fd65880-5d77-11eb-956c-9e077e1f9638.png) The multi_manager was created after filtering the list.


As a workaround to not being able to edit concave solids, removing extra clipping planes might be enough reshape some models or areas of a map. For example, afrikakorps2 has...


> It spams something called invalid texture lump offset One of these maps caused it https://gamebanana.com/mods/69244


> Hi w00tguy. when i use resguy v9, it mentions a missing file: "Missing file "sound/mustard/sound/mustard/mustard_materials.txt" referenced in: mustard.cfg" However, this is actually correctly written and it is loaded in...
