I originally tried the 8.2.0 release, and also the latest master (today). Same result. Well, turning off `USE_MMAP_ANON` gives a different error when running gctest now : ``` GC Warning:...
Do you think it may be related to mmap issues other projects have encountered, eg. ?
Applying MAP_JIT, the entitlements, and code-signing the app results in a bus error on the first write to memory. Here is a reproducible example : ```c #include #include int main(){...
I had to implement this because I needed the functionality for my language binding. Thanks for the library :-)
As a random example of lto to create smaller files, I did a test on `tarraylist_sort.bmx` from the brl.collections doc folder. The standard release build created a file of `463133`...
There won't be any additional texts being added to generated filenames. If anything, there may be a new file generated to keep track of them.... or something.
You could try adding an `ld_opts` option... ``` setldopt static-stdc -static-libstdc++ ``` But it doesn't let you specify the order it is added.
It's also possible to use `makebootstrap` to generate bcc/bmk sources that can be used as a base to compile on a particular system. You tweak the `bootstrap.cfg` file with the...
"Error reading from stream" is a TStreamReadException. The error may even be coming from bcc? It's hard to tell. If you turn on verbose, is it clearer where the error...
Ideally, one would use Pub.FreeProcess to handle the output, but currently bmk relies on exit codes from processes to decide whether a particular command was successful or not. A TProcess...