Jacob Sundstrom
Jacob Sundstrom
Having a similar issue. When evaluating the same selection, I get either: `null in file null` or `unexpected $end, expecting '}' sig = LeakDC.a` The same code evaluates fine in...
That's what I figured I'd have to do. Thanks!
Yes, I'm fairly certain it is. It happens when atom-supercollider calls [SuperColliderJS.interpret](https://github.com/crucialfelix/supercolliderjs/blob/develop/src/supercollider-js/SuperColliderJS.sc#L6). It's been a while since I tried working on it but I found that when I printed the...
Ok, so I'm fairly certain I've fixed this. Basically SC has a hard limit length of String literals at 8188. Since the interpret function in sclang.js passes the code-to-be-evaluated in...
As far as I know, SC helpfiles are for classes only, not methods. However, it also seems that the entire string `{SinOsc.ar(110)!2 * 0.1}.play` was passed to .openHelpfile (instead of...
What happens in the IDE is that the method is searched in the helpfiles but there are no helpfiles for methods as such in the same way that there are...
Ah! Ok, still learning how to properly contribute. I used clang 8.0.0 and after running `./build/format.py` there are no changes to any of the files I modified. Is this expected...
Amended the commit to include the correct formatting and keep the commits clean.
@brianlheim Also sorry for the delayed reply! 1.) I guess I just got kind of lazy and didn't want to go modify the struct. Makes more sense as an `ir`....
Fixed. Apparently I don't know how to spell. EDIT: Looks like it failed again but for reasons unrelated to this change: ``` 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/nspr/4.28: 86 files, 1.1MB ==> Installing poppler...