
Results 4 issues of wonderingabout

hi, i'm running several AI on OGS, and i'm trying to run ELF for the upcoming AI tournament on OGS https://online-go.com/group/3211 i ran successfully elf master branch in console with...

@wodesuck @zxkyjimmy long time no see :) so i made this youtube video tutorial to show how to build PhoenixGo on ubuntu 18.04 (still in low quality as i just...

so, one person interested in PhoenixGo asked me if it is possible to add an option to have noise only for the first moves, because it is boring to play...

Can you release 2 windows releases for modern computers please ? Computer from google cloud : Windows Server 2016 Tesla V100 Intel Xeon Phi (supports AVX512F) ![cpu instructionsv2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38690718/50028570-6ebe4f80-fff0-11e8-9d48-ed128561f7c6.png) after that...