> Don't use `-b 0x88`. It's a filter and allows only a specific type of frames. > > * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/802.11_Frame_Types > * https://github.com/seemoo-lab/nexmon_csi/issues?q=-b+0x88 > * [Why use frames starting with...
@zeroby0 Thank you for your advice! now I'm trying to use your precompiled package, but I have a problem and wonder if you can help me. when I try to...
Thank you for your reply! I'm connect the router with a LAN cable. but after then I try use a usb flash to transfer the file to the router, and...
@zeroby0 It's running xubuntu 18.4.03 as suggested. I still have some problems with ssh connection so now I'm using `telnet ip` to login, and I have a question, the ac86u...