Pablo Colapinto

Results 23 comments of Pablo Colapinto

Nice ideas here! I will definitely help in the effort to document. I am particularly interested in learning more about the implementations out there. Getting ready for AGACSE, will any...

hi -- devel branch is pretty active right now with major revisions, but vsr_chain is fairly stable. actually your question led me to find a small bug in the calcJoints()...

fyi right now what i use to compile projects in scratch is ./ scratch/projects/…../xProjectName.cpp and optionally add “configure” to the end to force cmake to add it to the targets...

thanks for these newer references, i had not seen them but will look over them . . . happy to help get something going, if you find a particular algorithm...

Traveling a bit at the moment (to the AGACSE conference!) and have not had a chance to look at the extended technique, but I have experimented with constraining points during...

ok there were a few bugs in that of course, but i pushed a working Constrain::PointToCircle( const Point& p, const Circle& c ); to vsr_rigid.h which calculates the point on...

I'll try to take a look at this this week - ;) > On Aug 8, 2015, at 2:02 AM, Andrew Hundt [email protected] wrote: > > Any chance you could...

I’ve managed to make a constrainedFabrik() method in vsr_chain which restricts inverse kinematics movement to rotations in the xy plane. see examples/xConstrainedFabrik.cpp this was quite a difficult challenge, and it...

Thanks for your comments, Andrew — since I am not a roboticist, knowing what is needed for a complete (and minimal useful) implementation is quite helpful to me. What else...

I recently swapped in GLFW for Glut on the windowing side due to hyper-resolution issues with newer mac screens. Looks like on Mac `glutInit` is still called (allowing `glutSolidSphere` to...