Wolfgang Woehl
Wolfgang Woehl
In cinemaslides a sigmoid function is used to s-shape linear level progressions for fades and crossfades. Problem with that: The first and last values don't touch minimum and maximum (the...
... with Ruby's fine builtin "shellwords". Duh. Some kind of mechanism is required for filenames with spaces and non-ascii chars etc. tmp-safe-link is buggy because, for example, sox/soxi will need...
Off-center HAlign values may be intentional - we've seen works with "left"/"right" throughout all titles and occasionally a title with fine-tuned positioning wrt crowded images. It is rare, though. See...
See CPL 700f8f26-342e-412e-ac8f-caa95a97f88b/Photophobia_FTR-1_F-178_UK-EN_51_2K_20231023_SMPTE_OV
Running into some looong paths where writing the logfile fails in rb_sysopen. We can do better than that.
Add - package size(s) - sound info - content kind info
Scenario is - run with explicit path where ```package_dir``` contains e.g. umlauts is fine - run with non-explicit path, which will potentially include more dirs than the run above, dies...
Fixme: in a DCP with MPEG2 essence `dcp_inspect` assumes JPEG2000 and will, thus, try and fail to read DecompositionLevels. Reports an error.