Wolfgang Meier
Wolfgang Meier
Just take a large collection containing an xs:dateTime value by which you can sort entries and define an index field on the dates. Without this PR, you'll soon hit memory...
You can test the pre-PR state with the same data. Note though that the number of fields defined on the same elements has an influence (see below). ```xquery for $div...
@adamretter Well, this does a lot of refactoring on the way while I tried to limit the PR to its narrow scope. But the changes should be good and without...
Ok, I'd say just commit the current set of patches as they are (should all be fine) and then maybe the bit encoding could go into a follow up PR,...
May I ask to give this PR some priority again by either finalizing the started modifications and fixing test failures or restoring the original state of the PR, which worked...
A general remark: we should not forget that the Lucene index is **not** a general purpose index but has a very specific scope, which is to search through text! Fields...
TEI Publisher 2.0 is available in eXist's package manager, but only if you run the latest develop version of eXist. It will become more widely available when eXist 3 is...
@emmamorlock I guess this happens because your browser reports a French locale and tei-publisher lacks a translation file for French. http://gitlab.exist-db.org/tei-publisher/tei-publisher-app/commit/a61b2095d1ca7ff0bdc9480a82bc93247a191641 should fix it and fall back to English. Sorry...
Hi, thanks a lot. I committed your file to http://gitlab.exist-db.org/tei-publisher/tei-publisher-app/commit/56fe9ddce8c08143b676ec3f4eb2a4b848fb2e2a
Due to API changes, monex is not compatible with the latest develop of eXist, so all apps using it will currently fail.