Daniel K
Daniel K
IMHO, ajax features need to be published as separate plugin (or even included in core bacon) cause of their more frequent use compared to other ui form-related ones. Take a...
Hello ! Demo (video): http://take.ms/iJkM7 A brief description of the expectations below: 1. I fill in an [IBAN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Bank_Account_Number). It is being formatted like: `1234 ABCD EFGH 0123` 2. Then I...
Test failure detected while running jasmine specs with latest Bacon.js (0.7.30) Testing jasmine specs via PhantomJS BaconMixin #eventStream - returns the stream for that defined name......√ - returns always the...
It would be really great to have this lib at bower repo!
Possibly due to a broken 'assemble-contrib-anchors' plugin (task is finished properly when this plugin is not enabled) Plugins enabled: ``` plugins: ['assemble-contrib-anchors','assemble-contrib-permalinks','assemble-contrib-sitemap','assemble-contrib-toc'], ``` Sample log below: ``` Running "clean:0" (clean)...
Tried to deploy [ERC20.sol example](https://github.com/solana-labs/solana-solidity.js/blob/master/test/examples/erc20/contracts/ERC20.sol) Solang version: `v0.1.13` **Expected**: Successful deploy **Got**: `TransactionError: invalid program argument` JS Source: ``` const { Connection, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, Keypair } = require('@solana/web3.js'); const { Contract...