Александр Романов

Results 5 issues of Александр Романов

1. Install vscode extention. 2. Go to .vue file 3. Get error `Couldn't start client Vue Language Server`. 4. Zuck. Google setup for vetur extention for vscode. 1. Update vetur.config.js...


Why on production generate you remove viewBox from svg element if you image with `?include`? Can you just don't do that???

If I put `ssr: false` in nuxt config, it's generate fine. If I do not place `ssr: false`, it's failed. Seems like problem in this line: `userAgent = this.ctx.req.headers["user-agent"]`. What...

pending triage

**Describe the bug** Just set global python version to 3.10.0 and just tring to upgrade pip **To Reproduce** ```bash admin@DESKTOP-TTF5VBQ MINGW64 /c/Work/sokr (master-new) $ pip install --upgrade pip Requirement already...

help wanted

If you change sizes other than square, there will be distortion. http://joxi.ru/ZrJjNRQhwPN0Lr This will be correct in this coordinates.