Wojciech Maj

Results 81 issues of Wojciech Maj

There is a fatal error causing pages to crash when the picker is clicked: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'clientHeight' of null I think it perhaps is related to the...


As reported in #2, wording is confusing. "Show less common lifecycles" means "Show me also those lifecycles which are less common" and NOT "Show me less lifecycles".


Passing `null` as `children` crashes the component. ``` Cannot read property 'replace' of null ``` Looks like it's this bit that's crashing: https://github.com/probablyup/markdown-to-jsx/blob/6afc77c9cea2c2ef53f7bf2b85e7cf5e41f42136/index.tsx#L682-L684 https://github.com/probablyup/markdown-to-jsx/blob/6afc77c9cea2c2ef53f7bf2b85e7cf5e41f42136/index.tsx#L571-L576 https://codesandbox.io/s/markdown-to-jsx-crash-on-null-1t3lh

See https://github.com/wojtekmaj/react-datetime-picker/issues/70#issue-479802990


Elements with role="presentation" should not be, in my opinion, checked for contrast ratio issues. By definition they are completely presentational, should be omitted by screen readers, don't contain any valuable...

I have selector that asynchronously loads data and atom that uses it as its default value: ```js export const asyncDefaultAccounts = selector({ key: 'asyncAccountsState', async get() { const response =...


Suppose we have: ```js export const users = atomFamily({ key: 'users', get: (params) => () => get(`/api/users?${stringify(params)}`); }); export const user = atomFamily({ key: 'user', get: (id) => () =>...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Currently, the code is compiled to ES5. This makes js-client-sdk way heavier than it needs to be. From my experiments,...


### What is the new or updated feature that you are suggesting? Add invariant if history is not passed to HistoryRouter ### Why should this feature be included? Currently, using...


### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. My top-langs is cluttered with languages I no longer use for a long, long time and the only remainders...
