Wojciech Maj

Results 257 comments of Wojciech Maj

Hmmm, sorry, I'm no expert in TS. Wouldn't that be simply `calendarIcon?: React.ReactNode` after all? What about clearIcon, I think it should also be changed?

Hi @amirhsh, no, currently these calendar types are supported: https://github.com/wojtekmaj/react-calendar/blob/3343154812e25688379418d0a21eccea2cb4f9c3/src/shared/const.js#L1-L6 I would love to add more calendar types in the future.

Hi, DateTimePicker already accepts `className` prop.

Will look into that but as a breaking change it'll have to be done in 4.x release.

You can't disable specific time. You can, however, specify minimum and maximum value, as described in README. Regarding "styling columns date" I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean.

Hi, thanks for this contribution. I really appreciate it! I'm wondering if this is not a solution for a problem I could have not created in the first place. For...

I'd use a wrapper (a flex box, perhaps?) that holds both React-Calendar and the bar with the button you want to add :)

Oh shoot, yeah, that's an entirely different story. Let me move this ticket there. I suppose we would need to add a method to render custom calendar or at least...

Relevant? Yes. Coming soon? Unfortunately no way. Too busy as a new dad :)

Hmmm, can't reproduce, but I have Safari 15.5. Do you have a screenshot maybe?