TermGL icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
TermGL copied to clipboard

2D & 3D graphics engine in the terminal [C/C++]


Language grade: C/C++

A terminal-based graphics library for both 2D and 3D graphics.
Works in all terminals supporting ANSI escape codes.
Support for Windows and UNIX.
C99 compliant, with no external dependencies.
Realtime input reading from terminal for user-interaction.
16 Background colors, 16 foreground colors, bold and underline.

Table of Contents








To enable 3D functionality, use the -DTERMGL3D compiler flag
To enable utility functions, use the -DTERMGLUTIL compiler flag
When running makefile, additional cflags can be specified be passing a command line argument CFLAGS=-DTERMGL3D\ -DTERMGLUTIL

Method 1: Regular source file

  1. Add the following flags to your compiler -I/path/to/TermGL/lib -lm
  2. Add termgl.c as a source file to be compiled

Method 2: Shared library

  1. Run the makefile make shared to create lib/libtermgl.so
  2. Copy to library directory sudo cp lib/libtermgl.so /usr/local/lib/libtermgl.so
  3. Add the following flags to your compiler -I/path/to/TermGL/lib -ltermgl -lm

Method 3: Static library

  1. Run the makefile make shared to create lib/libtermgl.so
  2. Add the following flags to your compiler -I/path/to/TermGL/lib -L/path/to/TermGL/lib -ltermgl -lm


The above Methods 2 and 3 for C can be used to use TermGL in C++


Compilation for Windows can be done by chaning the compiler using the following command line argument when running the makefile COMPILER=. If compiling using mingw on linux, use COMPILER=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc-win32.


To compile a demo program, run the makefile make demo.


Certain settings can be changed at the top of src/termgl.c prior to compilation, e.g. memory allocation functions, clear screen command, compiler-specific commands.
The header file lib/termgl.h contains brief documentation for all functions and structs.
Compiler-specific functionality is used, therefore it is recommened to always compile using GCC. If other compilers are used for other sections of code, see Build: Methods 2 & 3.
The TermGLUtil extension contains functions for reading keyboard input, but requires either Windows of UNIX headers.


A demo can be found here: demodir/termgl_demo.c.
Available demos and TermGL features used:

  1. Utah Teapot
    Renders a rotating 3D Utah Teapot.
    • Backface culling
    • Z buffering
    • Double-width characters
    • 3D camera
    • 3D transformations
    • 3D rendering
    • 3D Shaders
  2. Star Polygon
    Renders a star polygon in steps using random colors.
    • Colors
    • Line rendering
  3. Color Palette
    Renders a palette of various text colors and styles.
    • Colors & Modifiers
  4. Mandelbrot
    Renders an infinitely zooming-in Mandelbrot set.
    • Point rendering
  5. Realtime Keyboard
    Displays keyboard input in realtime.
    • Text rendering
    • Realtime keyboard input