Woeishi Lean
Woeishi Lean
nice! missed that one. while it definitely makes sense to align with roslyn/.net implementation. probably worth peeking at [rust-lang](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch06-01-defining-an-enum.html) which implemented it deeply into its core. without having read through...
What about - `Sequential`: C# default style - `Flags`: define backing type (ushort, uint or ulong), entry value pow2 incremented - `Explicit`: define backing type and each entry value ......
default underlying type of flags: i guess it would make sense to follow c#. there are definitely flags with backing signed types around. so restricting to unsigned might be too...
it's just about an option to be able to hide them. not by default. usecase would be: LibWrapper.vl nicely wrapping functions like `genericCall(payload, combinationOfFlags)` for the lib user as `specificCallA(payload,...