Daniel Zhang

Results 38 comments of Daniel Zhang

https://github.com/neovim/neovim/blob/master/runtime/lua/vim/_editor.lua#L433-L438 ```lua if c1 < #bufline then c1 = vim.str_byteindex(bufline, c1) end if c2 < #bufline then c2 = vim.str_byteindex(bufline, c2) end ``` The problem may happen here, `c1 <...

I open a PR #20162 to fix it. I use `vim.str_byteindex(bufline, #bufline)` to cacluate utf length of `bufline`. And if `c1`/`c2` is out of range, set it to `#bufline +...

30% performance improved on P40. Since I don't have a 1080ti, I can't test for you.

To do this, I think you may change the config file on-the-fly, since mcts_main would reload the config every step if it had been modified. That will be more flexible...

`phxbinlogsvr_tools_phxrpc -f GetMemberList -h -p `各机执行一下看是否都拿到主了

@Freyayan 你这些都是正常的日志。请问是三机的读写跟只读端口都有连接问题吗,麻烦贴一下各机的日志,标注一下是哪台机的。

@Freyayan 不会有3个主的,可能是phxsqlproxy没有获取到主信息,你再试验一下,看一下备机的日志。

Could you provide more informations about the CPU? Your CPU may not support some instructions (I guess it was caused by AVX).

I could't know which i7 you are using... Could you run `sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.features`, and see what it output.

I guess what you are missing is FMA. You may build from source on your own machine or wait us to update the prebuilt binary.