I think there are a few issues with the instructions at [`docs/instructions-for-users-with-many-packages.md`](https://github.com/Luois45/claim-free-steam-packages/blob/main/docs/instructions-for-users-with-many-packages.md). First, there is nothing displayed in the console. Second, if I type `games`, then I see a list,...
For info for others, to run the code on Google Colab (with GPU toggled ON beforehand), you only have to run this cell: ```bash %pip install -q requests tqdm ftfy...
```bash (venv) C:\Users\Wok\pypi\steampi>pip install python-Levenshtein Collecting python-Levenshtein Using cached python-Levenshtein-0.12.0.tar.gz (48 kB) Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in c:\users\wok\pypi\steampi\venv\lib\site-packages (from python-Levenshtein) (50.3.2) Using legacy 'setup.py install' for python-Levenshtein, since package 'wheel'...
For info, I had some troubles deploying to Gihub pages, and the issue was solved relatively simply, but after a waste of a lot of time. I did not realize...
I get the following error after minimizing the script to the tray. No idea what changed as the error was not there a few days ago. ``` Exception in thread...
I don't understand the double call to `calculate_entropies()`. Could you clarify the reason behind it? https://github.com/GillesVandewiele/Wordle-Bot/blob/f6334959105549745300ff2c1fc7f80e7c8d7a07/wordle.py#L112-L117 Indeed: - the set `all_words` is a subset of `all_dictionary`, - the variable `entropies`...
Fix for: - #9