
Results 27 issues of Wok

I find the table confusing, especially the part highlighted in yellow: - what does ticking the "cleanup rule" do? ![confusing table](https://i.imgur.com/S7H9vAp.png) What adds to the confusion is that the ticks...


Hello, In the notebook, the function to average word vectors is based on **normalized** word vectors. ![averaging word vectors](https://i.imgur.com/5uK6asy.png) I wonder what the logic behind this choice is. Isn't the...

For info, on Google Colab, the provided notebook [`examples/sampling_interactive_demo.ipynb`](https://github.com/kakaobrain/minDALL-E/blob/main/examples/sampling_interactive_demo.ipynb) has to be slightly edited. One has to: - toggle ON the GPU usage, - run the following cell at the...

I was surprised by the output of `predict_jsons()` when the input image did not contain any face. The expected behaviour would have been an empty list, so that I could...

Hello, Thank you for sharing this work as a PyPI package! I have questions about default parameter values. https://github.com/ternaus/retinaface/blob/29611c722ad400eed977b2df1816ddf914dbb2bf/retinaface/inference.py#L39-L43 Are these values recommended based on the training dataset and procedure...

Thank you for the PYPI module. For information, people using Google Colab have to restart their runtime after they `pip install` the module. ``` ERROR: google-colab 1.0.0 has requirement ipykernel~=4.10,...

Let us say I want to access: > http://cs231n.stanford.edu/ This add-on redirects to: > https://ai.stanford.edu/ Now, if I want to add the website to the list of exclusions using the...

As can be seen on the screenshot in #58, there is an "incognito whitelist". What is it? And what is its purpose? I assume it is a temporary whitelist which...

In the README, you mention that "insecure websites" are purged from the list after 7 days: > Otherwise, that host is added to the list of known insecure sites, and...

``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "scripts/txt2img.py", line 14, in from imwatermark import WatermarkEncoder ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imwatermark' ``` Unintuitively, this is not solved by installing [`imWatermark`](https://pypi.org/project/imWatermark/), but:...
