
Results 144 comments of Wok

I have set both values to 16 for a try in: ```python with plot_output: sampling(prompt=wd_text.value, top_k=slider_topk.value, softmax_temperature=slider_temp.value, seed=slider_seed.value, num_candidates=16, num_samples_for_display=16) ``` There is another error on Colab which is triggered...

Nice job! :) Sadly, I have only had K80 GPU on Colab for my few tries, so I cannot try the notebook right now. I don't close the issue for...

> when it reaches that it just exits https://github.com/autonomousvision/stylegan_xl/blob/223430d0adb5eabee9f7e38e0bce73fc4b1818f6/training/training_loop.py#L133

The argument of `--restart_every` is the `time interval in seconds to exit code`. So this works as intended. What is stopping you from starting the program again after it exited?...

> I might just open a bunch of anaconda prompts and have them offset by 58k secs. That is what I would do as well.

Regarding point n°1, maybe the issue comes from: https://github.com/autonomousvision/stylegan_xl/blob/b5b96835702761ef849903f5c410cec077867718/training/networks_stylegan3_resetting.py#L630-L635 notably the `+1` in: https://github.com/autonomousvision/stylegan_xl/blob/b5b96835702761ef849903f5c410cec077867718/training/networks_stylegan3_resetting.py#L635 which is then followed by: https://github.com/autonomousvision/stylegan_xl/blob/b5b96835702761ef849903f5c410cec077867718/training/networks_stylegan3_resetting.py#L642-L643 -- There is also this for-loop which is of interest:...