William O'Connor
William O'Connor
I ran into this error using Vite. Adding `"chartjs-adapter-date-fns"` to [ssr.noExternal](https://vitejs.dev/config/ssr-options.html#ssr-noexternal) makes it go away. I previously had to mark `"chart.js"` as noExternal due to https://github.com/chartjs/Chart.js/issues/9436 - perhaps there is...
A single `where("c.relkind", "in", ["r", "v"])` clause seems to work - is there a reason not to use this approach? Install script inspired by @conorbrandon: ```json { "scripts": { "install":...
Hello @jayair, I opened PR https://github.com/sst/kysely-data-api/pull/40 to fix the build. The build was failing due to TypeScript errors, which was preventing release.
I opened another PR https://github.com/sst/kysely-data-api/pull/41 to sync pnpm-lock.yaml with package.json. I missed this in the first PR and it caused the release workflow to fail, unfortunately.
> Any update on this ? @jayair @woconnor My fix went in, which caused a release PR https://github.com/sst/kysely-data-api/pull/42 to be automatically created, but it needs to be merged in order...