Robert Soriano

Results 186 comments of Robert Soriano

Would be nice to see your `package.json.exports` key. It usually looks like this: ```js "exports": { "require": "./dist/index.cjs", "import": "./dist/index.mjs" }, "main": "./dist/index.cjs", "module": "./dist/index.mjs", ```

Use [unbuild]( for shipping the component directly

Go to _node_modules/vue-particles/src/vue-particles/index.js_ and change `install (Vue, options)` to `function install (Vue, options)`

@tale503 did you try the code above?

Curious to see this. Do you have a simple repro? This is why I use render functions when doing vue2/3 compat library with vue-demi

Will check in a bit. You have composition api installed right?

Can you create a simple repro that I can clone? Thanks