Robert Soriano

Results 186 comments of Robert Soriano

Nuxt can't type array picks too. You can use the `transform` option for now to get proper types:

I'm looking at a way to get the baseURL automatically, like how `useFetch` does

Just wrap it with `` component and it should work. ```html hello world ```

This is my working setup for nuxt3: ```ts // nuxt.config.ts import { defineNuxtConfig } from "nuxt3" export default defineNuxtConfig({ css: [ "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css", "bootstrap-vue-3/dist/bootstrap-vue-3.css", ], }) ``` ```ts // plugins/bootstrap.client.ts import...

> @wobsoriano this still results in a document is undefined error - even without having used any of the components yet. > > > > ReferenceError: document is not defined...

The fix for now is to remove `"react-native-reanimated": "~1.13.0"` in package.json. @alexZajac Any chance on bumping reanimated from 1.9.0 to 1.13.0?

any way to import all themes and languages?

I think you can just create a setup file and extend expect ```ts // peeky.setup.ts import { expect } from '@peeky/test' import matchers from '@testing-library/jest-dom/matchers' expect.extend(matchers) ``` ```ts // peeky.config.ts...

Published a lightweight component that works with both Vue 2/3

Published a lightweight component that works with both Vue 2/3