hi I really like your addon. I found it after days of searching for a solution to my problem but unfortunately I still can't fathom how to do it. I...
thank you for your reply. I am struggling as I am new to delving into the code in this much depth, so please forgive any rookie errors and lack of...
not sure how to check my own page's requirements with the demo page - it is all working fine how you have it and I understand why the first track...
thank you that is really helpful. And it is good to know I am looking along the right lines with things I am trying, just my basic grasp of jquery...
thanks for your help I am definitely making progress. I can remove list items with checkbox and rebuild playlist. The only thing I am stuck on now is how I...
omg I've done it... finally after about 18 hours solid trying to do that one thing! I worked out how to put the initial playlist into an array variable -...