Justin Chew
Justin Chew
I think you can get the classes from the scoped slot props: e.g. `classes.label` Though it's been recommended to use [Slot Components](https://vueformulate.com/guide/inputs/slots/#slot-components) if you are planning to reuse the customised...
This also doesn't seem to be working for `Container`, `DataGrid` and `Tree`.
This is currently not working with: - vue 2.7.16 - vue-router 3.6.5 Usage via composition API: ``` import { useRoute, useRouter } from "vue-router/composables"; ``` `getCurrentInstance` returns empty and throws...
Got it working by using one of the approaches from https://gist.github.com/rstacruz/511f43265de4939f6ca729a3df7b001c Method A got rid of the issue by: - Running a jest script with cross-env required: `NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules` - Making...
@web-padawan I spoke too soon. When running jest in CI, getting memory leak. Possibly the same issue as on either of these: https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/11438 https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/11956
I found a way to handle this is by setting `ignoreCache` to true. Can potentially slow the performance but if the data coming from the request is constantly changing then...