William Misener
William Misener
Road name labels appear to be designed to follow road curves. This provides a nice effect, unless the road is too sharply curved. Then there can be strange gaps between...
As the discussion on rendering POIs in general (#128) and prioritizing which "anchor institutions" render at low zoom (#435) progresses, I think it's a good time to start discussing rendering...
Busways, often parts of bus rapid transit systems, are roadways dedicated solely to buses and physically separated from other traffic. These are tagged as [highway=busway](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag%3Ahighway%3Dbusway), a relatively new tag, approved...
It looks like highway=traffic_signals nodes are absent from the tiles, would it be possible to add them?
Fire stations are one of the last 'community anchor' POIs (#435) for the style to render. There is no one clear iconography associated with them IMO, so I think we...
With the implementation of https://github.com/phanecak-maptiler/planetiler-openmaptiles/pull/8 in the tiles, universities/college POIs can appear in the tiles as early as z10, with different ones appearing at different times based on their size...
In #910, all places of worship with `religion=christian` were rendered with an icon containing a cross. However, some Christian denominations do not use crosses as part of their symbology, including...
#910 rendered explicit symbols for eight major world religions, following Carto's choice of religions (and the eight most common specific `religion` values per taginfo). But it's worth discussing if these...
In #910, I introduced a ["generic" place of worship icon](https://github.com/ZeLonewolf/openstreetmap-americana/blob/main/icons/poi_pow_generic.svg), consisting of just the bottom square that for other religions is topped by a symbol. However, this symbol is never...
This PR renders urban districts (OSM `place=suburb`, `place=quarter`, and `place=neighbourhood`), resolving #1058. Urban districts are rendered in all caps with a dark blue font color, the same font color as...