William McMurray
William McMurray
A sitemap index file can be used to reference multiple sitemap files. ([http://www.sitemaps.org/fr/protocol.html#index](http://www.sitemaps.org/fr/protocol.html#index) ) This module does not recursively parse sitemaps files found in an index file.
Knock Knock :door: anybody still here ? :smile: I noticed an error in our logs : `You must only call this before calling Notification.requestPermission(), otherwise this feature detect would trigger...
I'm unable to compile my project with webpack because an error is thrown by UglifyJS : `Unexpected token: name (code)`. Its because my project does not use babel or ES6...
Hi, I wonder if it could be possible to morph two elements in two steps instead of one. ...Explanation : I'm making a transition between two pages. Lets say the...
Hey, I just spent a long time trying to understand why my dynamic meshes where not moving at all, until I found this : https://github.com/lo-th/Oimo.js/blob/6c3e7e7552cdfcb7a40a0107339841ea9fdc0138/src/core/RigidBody.js#L436-L446 Those two methods have this...
The usage example in the README did not work out of the box, here is what has been fixed : - missing imports - imports that were not used -...
Stuff got logged into my console all the time, so I removed it. Also your `_DEV_` const seems to be a function export : https://github.com/creativelifeform/three-nebula/blob/7e0b2dc9afefc4838a22475d6cca91e513ad9812/src/constants/index.js#L24 therefore any `if` statement like...
Currently, when an html comment like this one is used: `` _(no spaces between the hyphens forming the line and those forming the comment delimiter)_, everything under it will be...