
Results 5 comments of wmardian

Can please someone show me a clue why i receive this error.. The document only guide me this to save the file.. but i get an error Rgds

Dear All, After checking all possibilty.. ` Dim wb As New ReoGridControl` ` wb.Load("E:\testabc.xlsx")` ` Dim sh As Worksheet = wb.Worksheets(0)` ` wb.CurrentWorksheet = sh` ` Dim cell = sh.Cells("A1")`...

Additional information: I open the file, copy (duplicate) the worksheet, and changing the value inside worksheet. Then i save with other name.. and it result error.. which does not show...

@jingwood Thanks for responding to my question. I already sent the files Rgds

Hi in my side, i do copy some sheet and do several search and replace to string in cell. then when i try to save, there is an error. is...