
Results 26 comments of wlnirvana

Is it possible for a domain root user to view all the submissions (including the hidden ones) of a user then?

Just to confirm, even the programs are submitted to a domain (say D), the root user of D is still not able to view the code, right?

> For the code, the domain root can see all the code submitted to the domain. How to do that? I feel like the domain root can view only one...

I see. I will leave the issue open as I think domain root ought to have the permission to list all records submitted to his/her domain, but feel free to...

总结得好棒~!!!!不过似乎有点细节方面的小问题: > 在1975年,Scheme最早实现了闭包。 如果将“封装在一起的过程和状态”理解为closure,那么所有OOP的对象都是closure,自然会比1975早,例如smalltalk。 狭义的、原始意义上的闭包其实实现得还更早些。函数定义时的“函数+环境”(也就是lexically scoped closure),在1962年的LISP 1.5中就已经实现,具体可参考LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual,附录B里面apply和eval处理`FUNARG`和`FUNCTION`的情况即是lexical closure。

Will this [comment](https://github.com/Entware/Entware/issues/463#issuecomment-622892642) from the Entware dev team member help mirroring?

What I'm thinking about is pretty close to the feature you described, but maybe from a slightly different perspective, i.e. gamification in education. I'm targeting non-technical students, and trying to...

See https://www.injdk.cn/#Zulu-JDK