Feature suggestion: Optionally show descriptions with countdowns - When I set countdowns I usually get confused on what the countdown is for. An additional clue would be nice. - I've...
In pt-br locale, thousand delimiter is `.`, while decimal delimiter is `,`. Case: ``` html ``` 1. Type in A0, say "2,02" 2. TAB. A0 displays 2 (2.02 internally saved)...
## Why this feature is required (specific use-cases will be appreciated)? One of the main reasons (I believe) of indicative's schema format is that it is serializable. So, the same...
React (or JSX) intentionally "deviates" from HTML in which, when a text node encounters a line break, HTML will add a white space, but react wont. Thats probably why sometimes...
https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/1643 React and HTML handle a bit differently when text nodes and the next element have a line break between them. HTML may add an extra whitespace. It even seems...
Let's say we have two groups of tabs, one to the left and one to the right. When the right tab group is focused, I can't know which of the...