
Results 12 issues of JackieWu

Hi, there. In the testing script of segmentation, the shape of `predict[0]` is `(num_cls, height, weight)`. In the line 71 of `scripts/segmentation/test.py`, the axis of `mx.nd.argmax` should be `0`. Besides,...

## Description ## Hi, there. I add the contrib operators into cpp-package. The prefix of their name is `_`. For example, the name of ROIAlign is `_contrib_ROIAlign`. The number of...


Hi, there. This PR fixes the typo of the url of WideResNet50

Hi there, this issue is to summarize some custom operators to be supported. Please feel free to add it if you want any operator : ) - [x] RoIAlign -...

Feature request

Hi, there. I wrote a project in order to use attention-based sampler of TASN without the need of rebuilding MXNet. The link of this project is https://github.com/wkcn/AttentionSampler It is available...

Hi, there. I mounted a windows partition or windows folder in Arch Linux. Then I moved my project into the windows folder. I ran the script `nosetests`, and it showed...

Hi there, I fix the bug where the package `re` is not imported when the pytorch is a dev version. L16: ` install_require for install_require in install_requires if "torch" !=...

我发现上传/下载页面中,批量删除任务操作是逐条进行删除的。 当一次性删除大量文件时,程序会出现无法响应的情况。 我觉得可以把删除改为“批量删除的方式”,或者另外开一个线程删除任务。

In this PR, I add the example for the inference of TinyCLIP with auto weight inheritance.

**Description** The argument `model_state.use_fp8_ddp` is deprecated. In MS-AMP examples, all of `model_state.use_fp8_ddp` are set to True. Besides, the function `optimizer.all_reduce_grads` has not been used. **Major Revision** - Remove `model_state.use_fp8_ddp` -...