
Results 20 issues of wjy3326

暂时不支持nn.pairwisedistance() 及 Variable,然后我就用torch.nn.pairwisedistance() 代替了,Variable也使用了torch的,请问这对训练结果或者训练速度有影响吗?


wandb: WARNING W&B installed but not logged in. Run `wandb login` or set the WANDB_API_KEY env variable. Calling BertTokenizer.from_pretrained() with the path to a single file or url is deprecated...

What vocab file does the uniter model use? cased or uncased?

i want to fintune the uniter model in my own dataset, how to generate the lmdb dataset for images and text? i generate the image features from faster rcnn, but...

In the pretrain.py code, why is the value of IMG_ LABEL_ DIM is 1601?

I cannot find the code tools/generate_npz.py, i don't know how to generate the image feature file. Could you please upload your code? Thanks!

when I run python eval.py with beam_size=2, occur the problem 'DecoderRNN' object has no attribute 'sample_beam' init COCO-EVAL scorer Traceback (most recent call last): File "eval.py", line 122, in main(opt)...


我目前的知识图谱实体在1500万个左右,在运用transE进行训练时显示oom错误,即使batch size设置为1,也会出现oom错误,请问怎么解决呢? Traceback (most recent call last): File "train_transe_WN18_adv_sigmoidloss.py", line 52, in trainer.run() File "/ai-images/wjy/event_extraction/recommendation/OpenKE-PyTorch/openke/config/Trainer.py", line 93, in run loss = self.train_one_step(data) File "/ai-images/wjy/event_extraction/recommendation/OpenKE-PyTorch/openke/config/Trainer.py", line 52, in train_one_step loss.backward() File...

还想问下,GN算法可以并行吗,就是如果想在工程中应用的话,可以用map reduce加快处理速度吗?