Hi, 你好, ## Pinfer 命令 如果使用 pinfer 命令启动服务,可以通过 --backend-port 参数修改端口 如: ```bash pinfer app:service --backend-port 8080 ``` 要想查看该命令的所有参数,可以执行 ```bash pinfer --help ``` 或者访问 CLI 的文档页面 [CLI](https://pinferencia.underneathall.app/0.2/reference/cli/#cli) ## Uvicorn 命令 如果使用...
> I could access the document on, but could not access the GUI from web browser on, as described. > > When "pinfer app:service", I could see Pinferencia:...
@jeffrover Also, can you try to run the following script with `streamlit` to check if there are any error messages? Save the following file to your computer: > https://github.com/underneathall/pinferencia/blob/main/examples/custom_frontend/frontend.py Run...
> pinferencia 0.2.1 streamlit 1.13.0 You're right, the red box wasn't showing. When I tried "streamlit run frontend.py", firefox browser loaded "My awesome model" page, backend wasn't load, I supposed...
> Thank you, @jeffrover. I may need some time to reproduce the problem using your environment setting. This problem might be due to something wrong in python multiprocessing per environment....
Hi, @jeffrover. As I don't have a CentOS machine, I use the CentOS docker image to set up the environment. However, I'm having trouble reproducing the problem. I suspect there...
> 老板~~ 你这东西太赞了, 感动到哭 看文档完全看不出这么专业, 以为很业余呢 = =; > > 想要推广, 文档的确需要再改进改进 > > ref: https://documentation.divio.com/ 收到,谢谢,我们最近也在努力优化这方面
> 另外, 我也发现一个问题, 但不知在哪改, 你可以看看 > > 你在香港对吧, 所以这边的情况你可能不是很清楚 前面发现模型部署没问题, 但文档看不到啊, 再一看 > > `Request URL: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/swagger-ui-dist@4/swagger-ui.css` > > (还有`swagger-ui-bundle.js`) > > 在大陆, jsdelivr 是被 ban 掉的, 要么换 bootcdn, 要么把相关资源...