found this. just the first time that docker is inited, https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/26799
See http://chrismcleod.me/2013/09/13/run-coder-for-raspberry-pi-on-your-linux-pc i also had to install nodejs + nodejs-legacy packages for ubuntu and the URL will be https://localhost:8081 (or the hostname of where ever you installed the packages)
I played with this too under Ubuntu, using http://chrismcleod.me/2013/09/13/run-coder-for-raspberry-pi-on-your-linux-pc as a guide. I had to make sure I imported nodejs and nodejs-legacy packages. I noticed that the client prompted me...
last known icon for what feature? Weather?
@sqfmi always seems to show as my IP address
can be updated in the code and hardcoded for all screens quite easily
I ended up doing a bunch of patches. If I get time I’ll forward them to you, but I’m not sure they are correct. Mostly missing return statements Bill >...
apparently gnome-fallback does not autoresize, I'm running 16.04 and had to use the small icons. using prime-indicator-plus from webupd8 ppa