@rudetrooper I understand your views on possible legal issues getting Octoprint to communicate with Chitu v1.9+ but all the new printers are coming stock with V1,9 or higher (my saturn...
> > Sorry about the delayed response, I've been busy with work and life. The issue could be due to an issue with the cable. But I'm not planning on...
> Can you point me in the right direction to try to create a PR or a branch for this? > > On Sat, Jun 4, 2022, at 6:59 PM,...
I can verify .cbt file created by lychee slicer cause the 500 Error. My cbt. files created by lychee slicer are .cbt (v4) for use on Elegoo Saturn S.
Depending on your printer and the board firmware it's running could have something to do with it. I have a Saturn S with firmware 5.5 and used .CTB v4 with...
I own the Saturn S and I know it reads CTB v4 and it's encrypted. mariner3d does not play well with it regardless of if chitubox or lychee created the...
In my case I am going to attach the Omnibox to the left side of a Elegoo Neptune 3 sort of a reversed Ender3. if I was going to have...
Thank you for the fast response. I am converting a Elegoo Neptune 3. Ok thats a lie the only thing left of the neptune is the frame as I have...
I am fine with zipped STL files. I have LRS-350 at the moment but I am looking to upgrade to RSP-500-24.
Thank you so much for all of these. Going to Download the 9.9 experimental as well. Might as well go all out from the start.