
Results 5 comments of wizard1359

Thanks for the response,I cannot share the screenshot due to some restrictions, please accept my apologies. The code I used for AutoEncoder is: ``` from pyod.models.auto_encoder import AutoEncoder clf=AutoEncoder(batch_size=8,epochs=10,contamination=0.05,random_state=42) clf.fit(data)...

Hello, Thanks for the reply,will the scores be same if the random_state is same in cblof,I am different scores in iforest and ocsvm as well.I am using the pyod version...

I kept the random_state value in both iforest and cblof but still I am getting different values.is there any hyper parameter in ocsvm like random_state to make sure that it...

@jksimhadri This error can be fixed by downgrading the version of shap to 0.34.0. `pip install shap==0.34.0`

Hello,please suggest me on where can I find resources to learn about shap.common.DenseData object.