@ma6667 https://github.com/homuler/MediaPipeUnityPlugin I used this plug-in, I hope it was helpful
@ma6667 If your project gets off the ground using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using Stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch; namespace Mediapipe.Unity.Hqft { public class FaceMesh : MonoBehaviour { ///...
@kuaashish I'm sorry. I'm still a little confused
> Getting following error `MediaPipeException: Failed to parse config text. See error logs for more details at Mediapipe.CalculatorGraphConfigExtension.ParseFromTextFormat (Google.Protobuf.MessageParser`1[T] _, System.String configText) [0x00027] in /Users/neeraj/Projects/Abbvie Unity Project/AbbvieImageCapturePoC/Packages/package/Runtime/Scripts/Framework/CalculatorGraphConfigExtension.cs:21 ` @NeerajMehta I...
@homuler I realized the face real-time drive, but I do not know how to take a glasses on the face, ask the teacher to give some advice https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/60952586/187395131-5a69a430-f705-4d1d-bb83-711b84d43ba8.mp4 I don't...
> three-mesh-ui currently don't offer a built-in input box. We are however considering adding a set of interactive components in the next major release. > > If you don't require...