
Results 5 issues of witwave

eferenceError: item is not defined at eval (eval at mustacheEvaluate (wxml-parser.js:191), :1:658) at eval (eval at mustacheEvaluate (wxml-parser.js:191), :1:669) at mustacheEvaluate (wxml-parser.js:191) at stringEvaluate (wxml-parser.js:175) at parseTextNode (wxml-parser.js:96) at XML2DataTree...

Hi Thanks very much. but when use this package to parse xml. I need to read the cureent xml node. when I process the attrName and attrVlue use attrNameProcessors and...

能否升级一下nodemailer, 并将request替换成axios, Command injection in nodemailer tough-cookie Prototype Pollution vulnerability

hello toleda i am a newer here is the link https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/B150I-PRO-GAMING-AURA/ i can't make the audio work when i run audio_cloverALC-120.sh File: audio_cloverALC-120.command_v1.0f3 Release Mode Password: EFI partition is mounted...

when the html contain some code ``` ``` node_modules/html2json/src/html2json.js:116 if (parent.child === undefined) { ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'child' of undefined at Object.HTMLParser.comment (/mnt/d/workspace/peach2/wevue/node_modules/html2json/src/html2json.js:116:19) at HTMLParser.HTMLParser (/mnt/d/workspace/peach2/wevue/node_modules/html2json/lib/Pure-JavaScript-HTML5-Parser/htmlparser.js:126:16)