
Results 18 issues of witskeeper

Installing luci-proto-wireguard (git-20.141.34051-f750b5f-1) to root... Downloading https://nanopi-r2s-opkg-feeds.songchenwen.com/packages/luci-proto-wireguard_git-20.141.34051-f750b5f-1_all.ipk Collected errors: * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for luci-proto-wireguard: * kernel (= 4.14.167-1-f327cbae4ba1d3d9e79c6969f251bd3d) * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package luci-proto-wireguard.

包括但不限于: 关于示例代码的问题 关于微服务架构的问题 关于领域驱动设计的问题

i saw the code in https://github.com/HangfireIO/Hangfire/blob/master/src/Hangfire.Core/Dashboard/Pages/RecurringJobsPage.cshtml ``` @* ReSharper disable once EmptyGeneralCatchClause *@ @{ string cronDescription = null; #if NETFULL try { cronDescription = string.IsNullOrEmpty(job.Cron) ? null : CronExpressionDescriptor.ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription(job.Cron); }...

Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. - Why do you submit this issue? - [ ] Question or discussion - [x] Bug - [ ] Requirement - [...

### Describe the bug application crash when BackgroundHostedService can not reach kubernetes API server. ### To Reproduce What steps can we follow to reproduce the issue? when use a unreachable...

Type: Bug
Kubernetes Ingress Controller

这里讨论`模块管理和依赖注入`的需求与设计 与 #20 相关

在这里讨论Bootstrapper的需求与设计。 与 #20 相关

+ [ ] 模块化集成框架 @binking338 + [ ] 声明式AOP @binking338 + [ ] 网关 @0dylan0 + [ ] 服务发现 @gosszhang + [ ] RPC框架 + [ ] EventBus @witskeeper +...


咱们设计这套组件,目的是在`扩展性/定制化能力`和`易用性`方面探索价值,基于这个考虑,我认为网关需要提供下列能力: + [ ] 开箱即用的部署方式 + [ ] 提供Docker直接部署 + [ ] 包引用方式的构建与部署模版 + [ ] 提供Dashboard可视化管理能力 + [ ] 配置管理 + [ ] 路由管理 + [ ] 运行状况展示 +...


We are trying to help more Java developers embrace the .NET ecosystem, and the CAP component is something we consider great and necessary. Additionally, RocketMQ has a high adoption rate...