Jawan Kolanowski
Jawan Kolanowski
Yes, you're right! Currently this is not possible. But this might be a nice feature for a upcoming release. You're welcome to describe it in more detail.
In the frontend it attaches `Ionoi_Gift_Model_Observer::onQuoteAddressTotalsCollected()` to the event `sales_quote_address_collect_totals_after`. From there you can check how it works.
Please contribute your solution if this issue affects other users.
Maybe we can improve this module. A more detailed description of the issue might be helpful.
Sorry, only simple products are supported like documented. The only way to make this possible is to implement this feature. Unfortunately I've currently not the time for that. But you're...
The only operation which modifies the quote there is `removeItem()` but this method doesn't change the shipping method or am I wrong?
Hopefully I understand you right. When you wrote "removes the shipping method from the quote" did you mean the the selected shipping method is not saved for a later usage...
I think there are two possibilities either the event `sales_quote_address_collect_totals_after` (see `etc/config.xml` and `Model/Observer.php`) is poorly chosen and should be changed or the shipping method should be restored. The funny...
I've tried to reproduce your bug report without success. I've used the sample data from Magento on a fresh install of CE The only thing is that with the...
No answer.