Okay now that my issue is closed can someone please help me what to put in home assistant's config.. because I still can't get it to connect :(
I copy/pasted configs listed here and tested out different typing scenarios.. at least now I get different error: > Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down. warn: Zigbee2MqttAssistant.Services.MqttConnectionService[0] Unable to...
This is the last one I tried: (I can't get this to format yaml correctly but the paste is from the config section of HA) > settings: MqttServer: MqttUsername:...
I've tried with single and double quotes but every time I press "save" they get removed. And yes my mqtt-server is at confirmed and works from every other instance....
@magpern did you have time to test it with username/pwd?
For some reason the carldebilly/zigbee2mqttassistant:dev docker or the hassio plugin does not see the mqtt-server running on the same server. I did DNAT from my another computer to the
I tried it with virtual eth and that did not work either.. something odd either in my docker configuration or in the zigbee2qttassistant.