> @Dormienza Thank you for including the photo of Huang Yanling! This is very valuable. You are absolutely welcome to use our content as long as you credit our website...
Bats seem to be only one the options for focus anyway. I think there could be more discussion of the likely intermediate host between the bat and the human, which...
So the first article that talked about pangolins was this one: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jproteome.0c00129 Key concluding statement: > Whereas the current evidence mainly points to the pangolin as the most likely intermediate...
> All I am saying is that a leak is also plausible and should be investigated. Yet, chinese authorities steadfastly refuse even the smallest comment along that line. They ignore...
> Plenty of evidence available from the number of cremations, to the mismatch > between the numbers reported from China compare to elsewhere. Increase in cremations in March-April were from...
How do we know the virus didn't come from a grocery store? How do we know the virus didn't come from aliens that dropped it off in Wuhan? Theories that...
Mmm, it's not my presentation. Perhaps the final point could be split up to say: - From somewhere else in Wuhan - From somewhere outside of Wuhan entirely This would...
Here's the link for Dr. Forster's work. He's a forensic geneticist, not an epidemiologist, as I incorrectly stated previously. https://www.pnas.org/content/117/17/9241 Frankly I find it astounding that this didn't get more...